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by Mike Cobb

Pub Date: Feb. 1st, 2022
ISBN: 9780578339887
Publisher: M G Cobb Books

An intricate historical novel based on a murder committed in Atlanta in the 1800s.

In late August, just weeks before the 1895 Cotton States and International Exposition, Baker Bass, a well-respected merchant, starts his morning walk to work down Ellis Street. He’s carrying a .38-caliber Smith & Wesson for protection. He had moved his family to Atlanta a few years prior and opened a dry goods and tobacco store. Thinking about the detectives who had accused him of selling stolen tobacco, he’s taken by surprise by a man who sidles up to him and shoots him in the head. The police are baffled by the case. The only clues are a missing gun, which was stolen from the coroner’s house prior to the murder, and rumors about a tobacco deal that may have gone wrong. The characters driving the story are Det. Thomas Greenberry Conn, aka “Green Conn,” a crooked cop who paid potential witnesses to testify that they saw Bass shoot himself; Jenkins, a traveling tobacco salesman; and Capt. Manly, second in command of the Atlanta Police Department—and the man assigned the task of solving the murder. Bass’ murder sets the stage for an intricate whodunit with layered portrayals of Baker’s family, friends, enemies, and associates. Cobb also threads the social and political details of 19th-century America into the novel, mentioning, for example, a talk given by Booker T. Washington. While the dialogue is somewhat plain, Cobb creates mesmerizing scenes. One knock-down, drag-out fight evokes the language and cadence of old radio mysteries: “Every sensation was intensified––the throbbing of his heart...labored breathing...the feel of his fingers wrapped around the gun barrel.”

An engrossing blend of mystery and high drama, embellished by many historical elements.