Two lawyers stand up to a big bank and try to find justice for those killed by terrorists in Papantonio and Paulos’ legal thriller.
Joel Hartbeck has had a tough life. In 2008, after surviving an encounter with an Explosively Formed Penetrator, a rumor spread that he was at fault for the deaths of many fellow soldiers because he did not find the device in time. Suffering from PTSD, he fell into a life of addiction and failed relationships. Even after becoming sober and getting his life on track, Joel feels angry at the world, primarily at the government, for what happened to him and so many others. Joel gets a job at Bank Antriol. At first, he’s happy with the good salary and comfortable office work, but soon he discovers something sinister: The bank has been funding terrorists overseas. Meanwhile, Joel starts dating Janet, another employee at the bank, who’s also found concerning transactions. While Joel doesn’t want to lose his job, Janet wants justice and plans to go to the FBI if need be. After Janet is fired for asking too many questions and then found murdered in her home, Joel decides to take action. Joel’s friend from the service, Michael Carey, now works for Nicholas “Deke” Deketomis as a lawyer; the two aid Joel in finding justice. Papantonio and Paulos showcase their immense knowledge of American business’ intersection with terrorism, and the harm such a nexus causes innocent people. While the narrative can sometimes be overburdened with exposition, the characters effectively support the theme of justice. Michael and Deke are worthy heroes who propel the fast-paced story. Similarly, Joel is an excellent character to begin the story with, as he lays the emotional foundation for the significance of the legal battle (“He awoke in a panic. Once again, he was in a cold sweat and his heart was pumping like a jackhammer. After a few anxious seconds, Joel realized where he was and what had happened”).
A suspenseful yarn that will satisfy readers’ desire for excitement as well as a thirst for knowledge.