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HOOKY by Míriam Bonastre Tur


Volume 2

From the Hooky series, volume 2

by Míriam Bonastre Tur ; illustrated by Míriam Bonastre Tur

Pub Date: Sept. 6th, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-358-69310-9
Publisher: Clarion/HarperCollins

Picking up immediately where Volume 1 ended, this sequel sees brother and sister witches Dorian and Dani Wytte trying to avoid notice by the newly powerful witches led by their family.

On orders of the twins’ Aunt Hilde, Master Pendragon’s house has been set alight, while witches patrol towns, and older brother Damien is installed as (reluctant) king by their mother and father. Despite these familial ties, the twins and their friends just want peace and justice. However, there is still debate about what’s fair and how best to achieve the goal of having everyone, magical and nonmagical alike, get along as Tur continues to explore the nuances and ambiguities of good versus evil. Relationships grow as crushes are confessed and friendships find their footing. Change also prompts the protagonists to think about their individual selves, their twin bond, and their complicated family. Other characters are further developed, too: Nico discovers his clairvoyance, and Monica rethinks her obligations. Flashbacks with Damien add deeper backstory as well as insight into the traumatizing catalyst motivating the Wytte parents’ revenge. With a possessed house, dragons, a potion gone awry, and more, readers will enjoy the action and hijinks. The bouncy energy and tone of Tur’s writing match the animated, lively manga-style art. Colored speech bubbles coordinated with individual characters help keep the dialogue straight, which is particularly helpful given the expanded supporting cast who feature some diversity in skin tone.

Magical adventures abound in this engaging and appealing follow-up.

(Graphic fantasy. 8-12)