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THE DIVIDE by Morgan Richter


by Morgan Richter

Pub Date: Aug. 20th, 2024
ISBN: 9780593685679
Publisher: Knopf

A former actress turned fake psychic finds herself embroiled in a Hollywood murder.

Jenny St. John knows she’s not much of a psychic. But since her fortunes fell apart in Hollywood, she’s not sure how to scrape together a living other than by using her distinctly un-supernatural powers of observation. Jenny’s path to screen success was once bright: At 18, like so many aspiring actresses, she left her home in the Midwest and arrived in Los Angeles full of hope and promise. She landed a role in an indie film, working with up-and-coming director Serge Grumet. The movie failed, but Serge exceled, sailing up the auteur ranks as swiftly as Jenny’s career disintegrated. Now, years later, Serge has been found murdered, and his ex-wife, Gena, an artist of note, has disappeared, too. When a cop shows up with questions and Jenny realizes the missing Gena looks exactly like her and has been taking credit for her movie role for years, she finds herself drawn into the mystery of who killed Serge. Richter isn’t afraid to ask a lot of her audience: Not only must readers accept the doppelgänger story—could two women look that much alike?—but they must also buy the idea that one of Gena’s friends would pay an unsuccessful fake psychic to investigate a murder instead of hiring a private investigator or just waiting for the police to solve the crime. If you’re able to gloss over such unlikely developments, you’ll discover a strange originality in this book, which offers a bit of a twist on the standard Tinseltown crime story.

This Hollywood thriller requires a suspension of disbelief but offers a few unique twists.