This lushly illustrated story features a young, Harry Potter–like boy, his friend the dragon hatched in The Egg (2000), and a delightfully drawn witch. One day a slightly bored George and his chicken coop fly off on the dragon and into the forest, where he discovers a fledgling dragon held hostage by a warty witch. One of Robertson’s most memorable watercolor paintings shows the witch savoring her dinner of barbecued toads, roasted on the young dragon’s flame. George tries to free the dragon and ends up in a flying competition around the enchanted castle with the witch. Quick thinking on George’s part leads to a happy ending for all but the witch, and the young dragon is reunited with, of course, his father. Robertson’s predictable and unevenly paced story makes illogical leaps of plot, depending on its rich illustrations for its appeal. There are far better stories out there for dragon-loving children. (Picture book. 4-7)