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READING CAN BE FUN by Munro Leaf Kirkus Star


by Munro Leaf

Pub Date: Sept. 23rd, 1953
ISBN: 0789312034
Publisher: Lippincott

Inimitably, Leaf conveys the wonder of the world of books in a way you fervently hope will captivate just one, or ten, a thousand, a million children. In simple story and his own sketchy pictures he tells how very different it is to be able to talk instead of just saying "Whaaa!" like a baby- what a vast improvement the alphabet was over picture writing- how reading, as necessary to your mind as food to your body, presents you with a vast and exciting now set of friends and ideas. All told in direct relationship to its young audience- from pre-readers who will get the idea from listening to it, to kids in the thrown of rejecting their books for funnies and TV- a perfect and humorous antidote to the many modern factors that undermine a true literacy.