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BIRDGIRL by Mya-Rose Craig Kirkus Star


Looking to the Skies in Search of a Better Future

by Mya-Rose Craig

Pub Date: March 28th, 2023
ISBN: 9781250807670
Publisher: Celadon Books

A coming-of-age memoir from an environmentalist and avid birder.

Craig, a 20-year-old British Bangladeshi birder and diversity activist, begins by attempting to identify when she first became involved with “twitching” (bird-watching). “I don’t remember when I became obsessed with birds; it seems to me as though I’ve been birding forever,” she writes. “Given that my parents took me on my first twitch when I was nine days old, it’s easy to see why I might feel that way.” The author introduces us to her family and then dives into her lifelong obsession with bird-watching, which “has never felt like a hobby; it’s not a pastime I can pick up and put down but a thread running through the pattern of my life, so tightly woven that there’s no way of pulling it free and leaving the rest of my life intact.” While following her journey from her first Big Year (“a calendar year in which you try to see as many species of bird as possible within a given geographical area”) to her family’s trips to seven continents, we witness Craig finding her identity, balancing her life as “birdgirl” and ordinary teen, and growing her influence as an environmental advocate. Although the descriptions of her travels and countless interesting birds are eye-opening and fascinating, it’s the author’s sharp focus on how bird-watching became an important part of the family’s process of working with her mother’s mental illness that makes the text stand out from other birding memoirs. From the use of their “Craig Family Harmony Index” on extended trips through numerous doctor’s visits and medication changes, Craig and her family have remained devoted to each other. “Today, we have no expectation that traveling or anything else is going to make Mum’s mental health situation go away,” she writes, “but we are better as a family when we do it.”

An excellent mix of travelogue, memoir, and advocacy.