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by Nadia Ali ; illustrated by Valentí Gubianas

Pub Date: March 1st, 2023
ISBN: 9781953458575
Publisher: Yeehoo Press

Ready for adventure? Egg-cellent!

Returning from a shopping trip, a tan-skinned family of four brings home Humphrey Dumpty, an egg whose “greatest dream is to become an egg-splorer, just like my grandfather,” the legendary Humpty Dumpty. But Humphrey is fragile and well aware of that fact, despite attempts to toughen up by sword fighting with a spoon and testing their mettle by spending time in the freezer. Sadly, neither exercise proves fruitful. When Humphrey tries to find a quiet space to think of a new plan, their wanderings lead them to a bath—one that most readers will identify as a pot of water on the stove. Soaking for a bit, Humphrey emerges triumphant—as a hard-boiled egg! With this new, slightly stronger form (as the other eggs note, “You are still easy to crack. So please be careful”), Humphrey can finally set out to explore…just as the book ends. Readers may be frustrated with the meandering plot that comes to a stop just as the real action seems ready to begin. The loose, colorful illustrations, reminiscent of Chris Raschka’s art, try to lift the plot but can only do so much. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

Appealing visuals can’t make up for a less than egg-citing storyline.

(Picture book. 4-8)