Realistically depicted dinos strike alert poses in prehistoric settings in this overview of when and where they and some of their cousin creatures lived.
After opening with big-picture views of our planet’s history and a timeline punctuated by massive extinction events, the two-part presentation first introduces representative species from each period of the Mesozoic era in turn, then goes on to highlight select fossils discovered in modern times at major sites on each continent—including Antarctica. Following a roundup of dino extinction theories and a gallery of prehistoric birds other than Archaeopteryx, an alphabetically arranged table of dinosaur information (name, geological period, length, and more) kicks off a flurry of useful resources (including apps) and other backmatter. Expertly angled to show brightly colored skin patterns and plumage, distinctive physical features, and (especially) teeth to good advantage, the prehistoric cast shares page space with blocks of simply phrased descriptive commentary, easy-to-read maps, site photos, and portraits of paleontologists, including several of color, at work.
Unusually well organized, with plenty of appeal for both casual and confirmed dinophiles.
(glossary, index, photo credits) (Nonfiction browsing/reference. 7-11)