A colorful, information-packed guide created from a trusted publisher in the science world.
Vivid and jammed with information, this resource is suitable for browsing by the many children who are fascinated with animals. Young readers will enjoy perusing this book for the high-quality colorful photographs scattered throughout as much as for the data, and the lively, exciting format will appeal even to struggling and reluctant readers. Each two-page spread includes tidbits about a different topic roughly organized by theme, some of which focus on a specific type of animal, while others are broader in scope. Sections include “100 Swimmingly Fun Facts About Marine Mammals,” “35 Facts About Glorious Gorillas,” and “50 Towering Facts About Giant Prehistoric Animals.” Diverse locations from the Himalaya to the Galápagos Islands and the Serengeti are featured. Pets starring on social media, animals used as sports mascots, and record-holding animals are included. The layout is varied: Some pages feature small chunks of data separated into individual boxes, others use a list format, and occasionally there is a spread that is predominantly text, with individual facts printed in alternating colors. Due to the brevity of each factoid, this is a work well suited for trivia buffs and casual explorers that will require further reading and research by those who wish to delve deeper into anything of interest.
Lively and full of interest.
(photo credits, index) (Nonfiction. 9-12)