In this not-very-thrilling magical thriller, 16-year-old Blake comes to terms with old fears. Blake’s younger brother Quinn is a reckless pest. Blake, on the other hand, is careful and studious: a Volvo driver who sorts his pencils. When a mysterious woman slips Blake an invitation to a theme-park rave, Blake chooses not to go—until Quinn swipes the invitation, and slips into a coma. Blake and two friends rush to the rave to save Quinn from whatever magical force has befallen him. If Blake defeats seven of the enchanted rides before dawn, he rescues Quinn; if he fails, they’ll be lost forever. Blake conquers some challenges through cleverness, some through personal epiphanies, and others through dumb luck. Each success for Blake brings all of the main characters closer to self-knowledge. Since only Blake has any depth of character, it’s not much of a trip. (Fiction. 10-15)