This sixth installment brings levelheaded songwriter and pop star Sunday Tolliver’s career and romantic life to a comfortable—if not definitive—conclusion.
Through Sunday’s straightforward, conversational narrative voice and casual, believable dialogue, readers are reintroduced to Sunday’s many college connections, music-industry contacts, close friends and family members. Sunday is still at college, living with six male and female friends, and her on-again, off-again relationship with her songwriting partner Sam becomes a focal point as her Twitter-savvy fans divide themselves between the men in her life, into #teamsam and #teamdeshawn. The tone throughout is gentle and positive. Sunday is responsible, loyal and caring, and even when a sorority pulls a cruel prank on her friend, the revenge she takes lifts someone else up rather than tearing the sorority sisters down. Although the ins and outs of two rival record companies can be slightly difficult to follow, Sunday’s internal thoughts and feelings make clear to readers what the companies’ actions mean to her and her loved ones, which is all that really matters. The ending is conclusive enough to resolve the series but open enough that another volume would be welcome.
Wholesome, down-to-earth fun.
(Fiction. 12-18)