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Enjoyable lessons on intricate concepts, although the presentation could have used more polish.

Strulovitz’s graphic novel offers scientific explanations and analyses in a virtual-reality adventure.

As the story opens, an Israeli teenager named Dreamy, who begins this five-chapter volume as a high schooler, hops into virtual reality where he’s known as Vision-Man. He connects online with his Siberian friend, Tigress, who’s worried about the clathrate gun hypothesis in which methane, as a greenhouse gas, will accumulate in ice, because it will eventually melt and release gaseous methane all at once. Dreamy, however, as the leader of Highschoolers Organization Protecting Earthlings, dreams up an invention: He suggests employing lightweight aluminum balloons to bounce the sun’s rays away from Earth—a more practical solution than a “space mirror.” Dreamy also has VR conversations with others, including a young Ethiopian desertification expert who calls herself Coffee-Bean, and a cosmology expert known as Californian Redwood. He has ideas for inventions to combat a variety of global troubles, including one that uses reverse osmosis to make salty ocean water fresh in places where the current desalination process doesn’t adequately clear the country’s water of salt and minerals. In other instances, Dreamy merely offers an alternative way of viewing a scientific principle. For example, Californian Redwood isn’t content with scientists using hypothetical concepts of dark matter and dark energy to explain unknowns, such as the universe’s expansion. Dreamy notes that the speed of time in Earth’s solar system isn’t “the ‘golden’ standard for the whole universe,” and asserts that galaxies farther away only appear to be moving faster due to their distances; so, according to Dreamy, the universe isn’t expanding at an accelerated rate.

The author delivers an entertaining debut that makes its scientific explanations easy to understand. Dreamy, for instance, uses simple objects as references; his desalination machine looks like an upside-down cup in a bathtub, and time discrepancies in assorted galaxies seem akin to a video running at different speeds. Each chapter opens with a too-short bit that zeroes in on Dreamy’s life outside virtual reality, in which he misses an important exam or inadvertently throws away plane tickets to a “romantic vacation” with his “love,” Carmiti. Most of the novel consists of Dreamy and his online pals in serious discourse, but there’s occasional humorous banter. In a standout moment, two female characters scoff at Dreamy’s “ ‘don’t worry baby’ machismo.” Each of the five chapters comes with a second version in which much of the artwork changes, but the text and certain diagrams are identical. The illustrations, which appear to have been created with an artificial-intelligence program, feature a manga style at first, and in each ensuing version, are more realistic. However, many of the pages have a lot of wasted empty space, even with enormous word balloons taking up significant room. Strulovitz adds accommodating diagrams and credited photos from various sources, as well as numerous website links, most notably to YouTube videos in which the author offers lectures on a particular chapter’s topic.

Enjoyable lessons on intricate concepts, although the presentation could have used more polish.

Pub Date: N/A


Page Count: -

Publisher: N/A

Review Posted Online: Sept. 14, 2023

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A Rand primer with pictures.

A graphic novel for devotees of Ayn Rand.

With its men who have become gods through rugged individualism, the fiction of Ayn Rand has consistently had something of a comic strip spirit to it. So the mating of Rand and graphic narrative would seem to be long overdue, with her 1938 novella better suited to a quick read than later, more popular work such as The Fountainhead (1943) and the epic Atlas Shrugged (1957). As Anthem shows, well before the Cold War (or even World War II), Rand was railing against the evils of any sort of collectivism and the stifling of individualism, warning that this represented a return to the Dark Ages. Here, her allegory hammers the point home. It takes place in the indeterminate future, a period after “the Great Rebirth” marked an end of “the Unmentionable Times.” Now people have numbers as names and speak of themselves as “we,” with no concept of “I.” The hero, drawn to stereotypical, flowing-maned effect by illustrator Staton, knows himself as Equality 7-2521 and knows that “it is evil to be superior.” A street sweeper, he stumbles upon the entrance to a tunnel, where he discovers evidence of scientific advancement, from a time when “men knew secrets that we have lost.” He inevitably finds a nubile mate. He calls her “the Golden One.” She calls him “the Unconquered.” Their love, of course, is forbidden, and not just because she is 17. After his attempt to play Prometheus, bringing light to a society that prefers the dark, the two escape to the “uncharted forest,” where they are Adam and Eve. “I have my mind. I shall live my own truth,” he proclaims, having belatedly discovered the first-person singular. The straightforward script penned by Santino betrays no hint of tongue-in-cheek irony.

A Rand primer with pictures.

Pub Date: Feb. 1, 2011

ISBN: 978-0-451-23217-5

Page Count: 144

Publisher: NAL/Berkley

Review Posted Online: Dec. 2, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Dec. 1, 2010

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Intriguing and accessible, this thought-provoking tale will be new to many.

An ancient Breton folktale finds new life as a graphic novel.

King Gradlon won his wife’s hand by murdering her first husband. Upon her mysterious death, their two daughters, Rozenn and Dahut, are sickened by their father’s debauchery and consumed by grief. Several pages of wordless panels show the girls growing up and growing apart. Rozenn retreats to the countryside, meets Corentin, a “holy hermit,” and falls in love with a fisherman. Dahut commits herself to learning her mother’s magic, including seducing, murdering, and sacrificing a string of young men to protect the city. Dahut’s ultimate betrayal of her sister brings about the deadly denouement. Anderson drew on multiple sources to retell this story of Ys, a “famed city of pleasures” stolen from the sea and doomed to destruction. Overtones of other tales, from the lost land of Lyonesse to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, echo through the pages of this morality tale. Blood and betrayal permeate the plot while natural sounding dialogue and perfect pacing draw readers along smoothly. Rioux’s art adds a suitably Celtic feel, with swirling patterns, medieval costumes, and a red-haired sorceress at its center. While nudity and sexual activity both occur, as do beheadings and drowning, neither the text nor the pictures are particularly explicit. Main characters are white; clothing and textual references indicate contact with Near and Far Eastern nations.

Intriguing and accessible, this thought-provoking tale will be new to many. (source note) (Graphic fantasy. 16-adult)

Pub Date: Aug. 11, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-62672-878-3

Page Count: 208

Publisher: First Second

Review Posted Online: March 24, 2020

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2020

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