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Mastro innovatively explains the processes behind China’s challenge and sets out strategic possibilities to counter it.

A professor of political science with a specialty in Chinese military and security policy examines the nation’s ascent on the global stage.

In the 1990s, China was a marginal player in world affairs, struggling to find a path to economic development. However, during the next two decades, it established itself as a major power with a thriving economy and a vigorous government determined to challenge the U.S. Mastro, who has won awards for her geopolitical research, undertakes a deep dive into China’s tactics. Her central thesis is an idea she borrowed from business thinking: that China has deliberately acted as a disruptive force, avoiding direct confrontation with the U.S. wherever possible and instead looking for gaps and weaknesses to exploit. For example, Chinese leaders have built aid-based connections with regimes that the U.S. has disdained or neglected, and they have focused on assisting with internal security issues, such as police training and surveillance systems. When China has participated in international institutions, it has sought special treatment and concessions, always looking to improve its position. It has injected itself into regional conflicts as a disinterested mediator while building up its military might. Mastro puts forward a range of moves that the U.S. might take to leverage its advantages, such as deepening its relationships with other Asian countries, asserting its position in regional hotspots, and demanding that China adhere to agreed-upon trading policy. Some of her proposals would be difficult to implement, but her framework for action is sound. While the text never entirely breaks away from its academic origins, the author puts forth many interesting ideas. Anyone who enjoyed Graham Allison’s Destined for War will find this book to be insightful and thoroughly researched.

Mastro innovatively explains the processes behind China’s challenge and sets out strategic possibilities to counter it.

Pub Date: July 1, 2024

ISBN: 9780197695067

Page Count: 328

Publisher: Oxford Univ.

Review Posted Online: April 20, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: May 15, 2024

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Deliberately provocative, with much for left-inclined activists to ponder.

A wide-ranging critique of leftist politics as not being left enough.

Continuing his examination of progressive reform movements begun with The Cult of Smart, Marxist analyst deBoer takes on a left wing that, like all political movements, is subject to “the inertia of established systems.” The great moment for the left, he suggests, ought to have been the summer of 2020, when the murder of George Floyd and the accumulated crimes of Donald Trump should have led to more than a minor upheaval. In Minneapolis, he writes, first came the call from the city council to abolish the police, then make reforms, then cut the budget; the grace note was “an increase in funding to the very department it had recently set about to dissolve.” What happened? The author answers with the observation that it is largely those who can afford it who populate the ranks of the progressive movement, and they find other things to do after a while, even as those who stand to benefit most from progressive reform “lack the cultural capital and economic stability to have a presence in our national media and politics.” The resulting “elite capture” explains why the Democratic Party is so ineffectual in truly representing minority and working-class constituents. Dispirited, deBoer writes, “no great American revolution is coming in the early twenty-first century.” Accommodation to gradualism was once counted heresy among doctrinaire Marxists, but deBoer holds that it’s likely the only truly available path toward even small-scale gains. Meanwhile, he scourges nonprofits for diluting the tax base. It would be better, he argues, to tax those who can afford it rather than allowing deductible donations and “reducing the availability of public funds for public uses.” Usefully, the author also argues that identity politics centering on difference will never build a left movement, which instead must find common cause against conservatism and fascism.

Deliberately provocative, with much for left-inclined activists to ponder.

Pub Date: Sept. 5, 2023

ISBN: 9781668016015

Page Count: 256

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: June 28, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 1, 2023

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An important dialogue at a fraught time, emphasizing mutual candor, curiosity, and respect.

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  • New York Times Bestseller

Two bestselling authors engage in an enlightening back-and-forth about Jewishness and antisemitism.

Acho, author of Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man, and Tishby, author of Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth, discuss many of the searing issues for Jews today, delving into whether Jewishness is a religion, culture, ethnicity, or community—or all of the above. As Tishby points out, unlike in Christianity, one can be comfortably atheist and still be considered a Jew. She defines Judaism as a “big tent” religion with four main elements: religion, peoplehood, nationhood, and the idea of tikkun olam (“repairing the world through our actions”). She addresses candidly the hurtful stereotypes about Jews (that they are rich and powerful) that Acho grew up with in Dallas and how Jews internalize these antisemitic judgments. Moreover, Tishby notes, “it is literally impossible to be Jewish and not have any connection with Israel, and I’m not talking about borders or a dot on the map. Judaism…is an indigenous religion.” Acho wonders if one can legitimately criticize “Jewish people and their ideologies” without being antisemitic, and Tishby offers ways to check whether one’s criticism of Jews or Zionism is antisemitic or factually straightforward. The authors also touch on the deteriorating relationship between Black and Jewish Americans, despite their historically close alliance during the civil rights era. “As long as Jewish people get to benefit from appearing white while Black people have to suffer for being Black, there will always be resentment,” notes Acho. “Because the same thing that grants you all access—your skin color—is what grants us pain and punishment in perpetuity.” Finally, the authors underscore the importance of being mutual allies, and they conclude with helpful indexes on vernacular terms and customs.

An important dialogue at a fraught time, emphasizing mutual candor, curiosity, and respect.

Pub Date: April 30, 2024

ISBN: 9781668057858

Page Count: 256

Publisher: Simon Element

Review Posted Online: March 13, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2024

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