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THE CALL OF EARTH by Orson Scott Card


Vol. II, Homecoming

by Orson Scott Card

Pub Date: Jan. 1st, 1993
ISBN: 0812532619
Publisher: Tor

Second in Card's science-fiction series (The Memory of Earth, p. 81) set on planet Harmony, whose ruling computer, the Oversoul, is breaking down after 40 million years' service. The Oversoul, therefore, is organizing the most sensitive and psychically capable humans to help it mount an expedition to seek help on long-lost Earth. The city of Basilica, ruled by women, is easily captured by the brilliant and ambitious General Moozh, thus apparently thwarting young Nafai's scheme to escape with his extended family into the desert and fulfill the initial part of the Oversoul's vast plan. Furthermore, to secure his political stranglehold on the city, Moozh proposes to appoint Nafai as Basilica's overseer. However, Nafai's faith in the Oversoul is absolute, and he refuses; he urges instead that the talented but misguided Moozh join the Oversoul's expedition to Earth. But the general continues to resist the Oversoul, or so he thinks, until the Oversoul reveals that two of Nafai's most gifted followers are actually Moozh's daughters—so Moozh can no longer deny that, willingly or not, he has always served the Oversoul. Finally, the Oversoul admits that some of the dream-visions experienced by Nafai's people were sent, somehow, from far-distant Earth. Slow, but reasonably involving and persuasive after a virtually unintelligible first 50 pages, where readers are expected to instantly recall details from volume one.