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by P.H. Low

Pub Date: July 9th, 2024
ISBN: 9780316569200
Publisher: Orbit

A pair of former Lost Boys return to the Island to steal a famous fairy.

Peter’s roster of Lost Boys never changes; when one Boy grows up, Peter simply collects another to take his name and place. That rule once allowed unrelated best friends Jordan and Baron to join as “the Twins.” Sure, Jordan had to pretend to be a boy and use Dust to glamour her missing hand, but it was worth it for a life on the Island. Years after her first menstrual period outed her and nearly cost her her life, Jordan is a famed underground fighter with a mean drug addiction. Half a decade of heavy Dust use has left her reliant on a street drug—and the landlord-dealer who supplies it—to get by. Determined to get out from under his thumb, Jordan hatches a plan to return to the Island with Baron and steal Tink from Peter. Complicating her endeavor is the fact that no grown-up has ever gone to the Island and lived to tell the tale. But Jordan may just be the only person ambitious enough to succeed. And when she takes up the pirate captain’s hook, well, that’s where the story really takes off. Low walks a knife’s edge here, remaining faithful to Barrie’s original work while transplanting it into an invented world. The novel showcases the brutality of the Lost Boys’ existence, as members of their little tribe kill wantonly. Peter comes off as particularly frightening here. Readers will recall his line in Barrie’s novel, “I forget them after I kill them,” as they watch him cull the followers who have grown too old and make Dust from his victims’ ground bones. Intersectionality abounds. Jordan has a congenital limb difference and a complicated relationship to her gender identity. Baron lives with intense anxiety, as well as suicidal ideations. Both heroes are Chinese-coded.

The grown-up Peter Pan sequel readers needed all along.