After The Monsters of Rookhaven (2021), a special event reveals the Family’s vulnerabilities to outside threats.
Every hundred years, the nonhuman Family gathers at a sanctuary house for the Great Configuration. Mirabelle’s first Configuration will be at Rookhaven. With all of the eerie beings coming and going, a mysterious foe takes the opportunity to send in Billy, under threat to his sister’s life, on a mission to obtain something from Rookhaven. Billy, Mirabelle learns, is like her—of mixed parentage, half-Family and half-human. From the extended Family, Mirabelle learns that the two of them are Misbegotten, outcasts—from both sides of their heritage—who are discriminated against outside Rookhaven. Woven into the intrigue of what the new threat’s goal is, there are meditations on family, mortality, and forgiveness. The young protagonists face mortal dangers not so much toward themselves as toward their loved ones; the pacing picks up once the threats move beyond being theoretical and emotional to the point when the plot against Rookhaven is set into irreversible motion. The heroes, who strive to understand and love one another, humanize even the most monstrous among them, finding beauty, tragedy, and cautionary tales. Having added to both the expanded mythos and the web of character relationships in surprising twists, this story leaves plenty of room for more entries set in its charming, magical world. Characters, when human (or human-shaped), default to White. Final art not seen.
Atmospheric and gothic in a bighearted way.
(Fantasy. 8-14)