The new My School series introduces young readers to the people in their school neighborhood: the principal, the nurse, the busdriver, etc. In this story, children get to see what the custodian, Mr. Mason, is up to. He makes sure the building is clean and at the right temperature; he sets up for any special assemblies; he finds things that are lost. Mr. Mason also knows all the kids in his school by name and is good and kind all the day long. When cute little Lucy loses her grandmother's heirloom locket, Mr. Mason arranges a search party in Lucy's classroom. (Her teacher doesn't mind interrupting class for this, of course.) When they have all but given up, wheelchair-bound Caroline announces that she's found it. The little heroine could see it in the aquarium because in her chair she's eye-level with it. Although custodians deserve a book in their honor, this saccharine PC effort is far from the ideal tribute. (Fiction/Picture book. 4-8)