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SOLD by Patricia McCormick


by Patricia McCormick

Pub Date: Sept. 1st, 2006
ISBN: 0-7868-5171-6
Publisher: Hyperion

In her village in Nepal, Lakshmi’s life is more than difficult and requires her to endure hunger, harsh weather and poverty. When she is sold to an itinerant “Auntie,” she thinks she’ll be working as a maid in the city. She’s determined to excel, even though she can’t imagine the place. She arrives in a brothel, working in guaranteed slavery until she is broken or dies, astonished at the charges beyond what she could possibly earn for everything she touches. The harshness of her life in this new country of India, feeling torn from all that is familiar, comes close to crushing her, yet she endures. The tiny moments of peace, learning the words in books, the friendships and respect that develop provide a relief for readers even as admiration for Lakshmi’s strength and capacity for sorrow grows. Written as a prose poem, Sold focuses on the essential question of whether it is possible to trust when all that one has trusted has been proven untrustworthy. McCormick provides readers who live in safety and under protection of the law with a vivid window into a harsh and cruel world—one most would prefer to pretend doesn’t exist. (Fiction. YA)