Babyhip is a postpubertal phenomenon in purple tights named Sarah Green who lives in Detroit. Stupefying. She has a mouth ""dimpling like an angel's"" but wait until you hear what comes out of it. Portmanteau obscenities--even her peer group thinks she shouldn't talk like that. And her teachers find her a genius while her parents just say she's mishugenah. During this trying summer she decides to ""make piggies"" with John who is going off to Harvard (Sarah doesn't dig anything and obviously isn't going any place) and her parents think it's ""better she should get engaged"" even to a goy, but this does not put an end to her other learning experiences before she heads toward New York. . . . Oh, or as her helpless parents to whom a babyhip shouldn't happen would say, Oy. She also keeps an Idiot List for Academic Slobs which is a great place for any book reviewer who wants to cop out. It's more of a scene than a novel, but in spots, dreadful-ly funny.