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ENDLESS AWAKENING by Patrick Paul Garlinger


Time, Paradox, and the Path to Enlightenment

by Patrick Paul Garlinger

Pub Date: Nov. 15th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-954744-81-3
Publisher: Red Elixir

Garlinger’s self-help book offers new approaches to recovering from trauma.

There are innumerable ways to experience, absorb, and retain trauma, but there are far fewer to heal from its effects. In this book, the author, a former professor and attorney-turned-spiritual healer, asserts that framing spiritual work as a journey impedes true progress—and that, in fact, people’s perception of time is severely flawed. He puts forth the notion that “you transcend your limits by accepting that you have limits. You grow by letting go of the idea that you need to grow. You arrive by letting go of the desire to arrive.” In nine chapters that broadly cover such topics as “Emotions,” “Identity,” and “Connection,” Garlinger skewers many tropes and tenets of spiritual practice and the self-help genre in general. He encourages readers to embrace and enjoy their bodies in a sexual context, noting that “spirituality and religion have a terrible track record when it comes to reproducing puritanical and misguided norms about sexuality.” He also uses analogies such as the unity of bee colonies and the unpredictability of cats to convey the value of communion and kindness. The nebulous language of enlightenment often seen in other self-help books is replaced here with ample movie and TV references (and even humor), but Garlinger’s tone is always sincere. He also hits more familiar notes in his discussions of examining and tempering the ego and rejecting the isolation of individuality. Garlinger frequently injects anecdotes from his own life as transitions from topic to topic; some don’t add much depth to his points, but others, such as an account of shopping at the Gap, effectively humanize him. The prose is crisp and sometimes disarmingly poignant; the chapters “Identity” and “Awareness” are standouts, with lines such as “Identity is simply the story that you, this divine consciousness, are writing in this very moment.…You are light taking countless forms.”

A charming, compassionate guide to rethinking how one navigates and perceives the world.