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A mostly painless world history.

A broad study of civilizations in which “the social fabric disintegrated, cities were left empty and buildings fell into disuse and disrepair.”

In a book based on his successful podcast of the same name, British journalist Cooper asserts that Homo sapiens already possessed fire, language, tools, and agriculture when, around 5000 B.C.E, organized societies appeared in the fertile crescent in the Middle East. Writing, the wheel, bronze, iron, and organized government appeared soon after and spread widely, although not universally. Early governments simply enforced order within a region and defended it against rival governments. Those most successful prospered and produced the arts and technology. Cooper offers few surprises in his treatments of ancient Sumeria, Assyria, Han China, and Rome, but even history buffs will glean plenty of interesting historical information as he moves forward through the Khmer, Maya, and Vijayanagara India. The author concludes with societies in Africa, Mesoamerica, and Easter Island, which did not decline but rather disintegrated under brutal colonial exploitation. It’s impossible to describe the end of a society while ignoring its beginning and growth, so this book turns out to be a straightforward history of civilization in general. That’s a tall order, but Cooper gives it a valiant, if fairly conventional effort, emphasizing great men and war. For a broader view that includes culture, economics, and daily life, readers should consult individual histories or Will and Ariel Durant’s 11-volume series The Story of Civilization. Cooper’s predictable epilogue on the possible collapse of current civilizations dismisses the old favorites (nuclear war, disease, overpopulation) in favor of climate change. Current efforts to slow global carbon emissions have failed, and further heating is guaranteed in the next few decades, so it’s reasonable—if disheartening—to predict that some modern Western civilizations may become new chapters in this genre.

A mostly painless world history.

Pub Date: July 23, 2024

ISBN: 9781335013415

Page Count: 576

Publisher: Hanover Square Press

Review Posted Online: April 20, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: May 15, 2024

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An erudite guide to the biblical world.

Revelations from the Old Testament.

“The Bible has no rivals when it comes to the art of omission, of not saying what everyone would like to know,” observes Calasso (1941-2021), the acclaimed Italian publisher, translator, and explorer of myth, gods, and sacred ritual. In this probing inquiry into biblical mysteries, the author meditates on the complexities and contradictions of key events and figures. He examines the “enigmatic nature” of original sin in Genesis, an anomaly occurring in no other creation myth; God’s mandate of circumcision for all Jewish men; and theomorphism in the form of Adam: a man created in the image of the god who made him. Among the individuals Calasso attends to in an abundantly populated volume are Saul, the first king of Israel; the handsome shepherd David, his successor; David’s son Solomon, whose relatively peaceful reign allowed him “to look at the world and study it”; Moses, steeped in “law and vengeance,” who incited the slaughter of firstborn sons; and powerful women, including the Queen of Sheba (“very beautiful and probably a witch”), Jezebel, and the “prophetess” Miriam, Moses’ sister. Raging throughout is Yahweh, a vengeful God who demands unquestioned obedience to his commandments. “Yahweh was a god who wanted to defeat other gods,” Calasso writes. “I am a jealous God,” Yahweh proclaims, “who punishes the children for the sins of their fathers, as far as the third and fourth generations.” Conflicts seemed endless: During the reigns of Saul and David, “war was constant, war without and war within.” Terse exchanges between David and Yahweh were, above all, “military decisions.” David’s 40-year reign was “harrowing and glorious,” marked by recurring battles with the Philistines. Calasso makes palpable schisms and rivalries, persecutions and retributions, holocausts and sacrifices as tribal groups battled one another to form “a single entity”—the people of Israel.

An erudite guide to the biblical world.

Pub Date: Nov. 16, 2021

ISBN: 978-0-374-60189-8

Page Count: 464

Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Review Posted Online: Sept. 20, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 15, 2021

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A rousing, suspenseful adventure tale.

A harrowing expedition to Antarctica, recounted by Departures senior features editor Sancton, who has reported from every continent on the planet.

On Aug. 16, 1897, the steam whaler Belgica set off from Belgium with young  Adrien de Gerlache as commandant. Thus begins Sancton’s riveting history of exploration, ingenuity, and survival. The commandant’s inexperienced, often unruly crew, half non-Belgian, included scientists, a rookie engineer, and first mate Roald Amundsen, who would later become a celebrated polar explorer. After loading a half ton of explosive tonite, the ship set sail with 23 crew members and two cats. In Rio de Janeiro, they were joined by Dr. Frederick Cook, a young, shameless huckster who had accompanied Robert Peary as a surgeon and ethnologist on an expedition to northern Greenland. In Punta Arenas, four seamen were removed for insubordination, and rats snuck onboard. In Tierra del Fuego, the ship ran aground for a while. Sancton evokes a calm anxiety as he chronicles the ship’s journey south. On Jan. 19, 1898, near the South Shetland Islands, the crew spotted the first icebergs. Rough waves swept someone overboard. Days later, they saw Antarctica in the distance. Glory was “finally within reach.” The author describes the discovery and naming of new lands and the work of the scientists gathering specimens. The ship continued through a perilous, ice-littered sea, as the commandant was anxious to reach a record-setting latitude. On March 6, the Belgica became icebound. The crew did everything they could to prepare for a dark, below-freezing winter, but they were wracked with despair, suffering headaches, insomnia, dizziness, and later, madness—all vividly capture by Sancton. The sun returned on July 22, and by March 1899, they were able to escape the ice. With a cast of intriguing characters and drama galore, this history reads like fiction and will thrill fans of Endurance and In the Kingdom of Ice.

A rousing, suspenseful adventure tale.

Pub Date: May 4, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-984824-33-2

Page Count: 384

Publisher: Crown

Review Posted Online: Jan. 29, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 2021

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