A boy who likes to wander and dogs that live to find the missing add up to an exciting adventure in rural Vermont.
Still mourning the death of her fiance in Afghanistan but comforted by Elvis, his bomb-sniffing dog, Mercy Carr has formed an attachment to Game Warden Troy Warner and his search dog, Susie Bear, who were her partners in solving a murder (A Borrowing of Bones, 2018). When she hears shots, Mercy tracks Elvis, who’s vanished into the woods owned by Daniel Feinberg, her wealthy friend and neighbor. Feinberg’s hunting party has found a large bear in the tree to which groundskeeper Gunnar Moe’s pack of Norwegian elkhounds chased him. But Elvis has turned up something even more disturbing: a young woman with an arrow in her chest. The dead woman is Alice de Clare, an architect and weekend guest of Daniel’s who’s been working with his other guests—Blake and Katharine Montgomery, Caspar and Cara Farrow, Lea Sanders and Ethan Jenkins—on a project to renovate the Bluffing Bear Inn. Mercy’s discoveries continue when she finds a pajama-clad boy in the woods who may be a witness to murder. The boy is Henry Jenkins, an autistic 9-year-old math genius who speaks little but knows much and finds the dogs calming. As Troy well knows, the woods are beautiful but menacing, occupied by the most dangerous beasts, human lawbreakers. Even so, Mercy believes that the killer is most likely one of Feinberg’s guests, most of whom have been friends ever since they attended prep school together. Certain that the headline-seeking State Police detective will get everything wrong, Mercy and Troy use Feinberg's estate as a base for hunting the killer. Their most difficult task is protecting Henry, whose wandering is a danger to himself and the people and dogs who guard him.
An action-packed story of triumph over adversity.