In the 12th and final installment of the House of Night series, Zoey Redbird and her band of fledgling vampyres prepare for one final battle, to restore the balance of Light and Darkness before Neferet, the self-proclaimed Goddess of Darkness, destroys everything they know and love.
More powerful than ever, Neferet and her “threads of Darkness” are determined to unleash a bloody reign of terror on Tulsa, until every soul left living bows down to her in a “Dark Otherworld come to earth.” As with the other House of Night novels, the momentum of the story often falters from extended lapses in action as time is devoted to the individual storylines of a large and unwieldy cast of characters. Though Zoey’s sidekicks are entertaining enough, the novel would have benefited from greater focus to keep tensions high and to explore the intriguing suggestion that Zoey and Neferet might have more in common than either of them cares to think. It’s a shame that this plot point is given short shrift. The novel is at its best when Zoey must tap into her innate powers, born of the spirit of the Goddess and her ancient Cherokee ancestors.
Zoey’s strength comes from her difference—a theme that has been consistent throughout the series and should resonate with fans one last time in the finale.
(Paranormal romance. 14 & up)