Who killed workaholic industrial archeologist/local historian Harry Steadman of Swainsdale and carted his body off to be buried near a crumbling wall? His plain, well-provided-for, well-alibied widow Emma? His publisher, coauthor, and longtime friend Michael Ramsden? His drinking mate, mystery writer Jack Barker? Pop singer Penny Cartwright, whom he'd spent an idyllic summer with (platonically?) after his marriage ten years ago? Quiet, competent Chief Inspector Alan Banks (Gallows View) is sure that the secret to Steadman's death lies back in that summer, but his hunch pays off too late to save an aspiring witness turned second victim. A tidy, articulate, well-observed sample of the current retro- Thirties British school—there's even a superfluous map of Swainsdale- -that carries you along on a rising tide of suppressed passion to the uninspired denouement.