“The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant!” The words of announcer Russ Hodges reverberated through New York as Bobby Thompson hit that home run that dashed the hopes of Brooklyn Dodger fans for yet another year. Bildner captures the spirit of Brooklyn in 1951, as well as the details of the ups and downs of its hapless team and that incredible playoff game. The Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants were fighting for the privilege of playing the mighty New York Yankees in the World Series, and it brought the entire city to a standstill. The narrator, a nameless, ever optimistic young fan, speaks in a casual, careless manner, intended to reflect the slang and syntax of the era. However, Bildner’s technique of leaving off the final “g” of each and every verb in the “ing” form is overkill. Payne’s detailed, slightly misty illustrations perfectly enhance the text and provide beautifully realized visions of Brooklyn. Baseball history brought to life. (Picture book. 8-12)