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A DARKLING PLAIN by Philip Reeve Kirkus Star


From the Hungry City Chronicles series, volume 4

by Philip Reeve

Pub Date: May 29th, 2007
ISBN: 978-0-06-089055-1
Publisher: Eos/HarperCollins

Taking his cue from “Dover Beach,” Matthew Arnold’s musing on isolation and anxiety in a world without faith, Reeve delivers a suitably explosive finish to his grueling Hungry City Chronicles. In the wake of the destruction of the Stalker Fang, an uneasy truce between the Green Storm and the traction cities is threatened by the kidnapping of Lady Naga, wife of the new leader of the Storm. Young Theo Ngoni finds himself swept along with Hester Shaw, the nihilistic mother of Wren, the girl he loves, and the Stalker Grike, who in his own dead way loves Hester. Meanwhile, Wren and her father Tom Natsworthy pursue rumors of renewed activity to London, the once-great city destroyed at the end of Mortal Engines (2003). And what’s this? Lost Boy Fishcake and the re-Resurrected Stalker Fang are making their way across what used to be Asia to deploy an Old Tech satellite weapon called odin. All stops are pulled out in this pyrotechnic conclusion that follows multiple narratives with such rapid-fire transitions that it will have readers gasping for breath—and humming with satisfaction at the just-right end. (Fiction. 12+)