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MARLENE by Philippe Djian


by Philippe Djian ; translated by Mark Polizzotti

Pub Date: Sept. 8th, 2020
ISBN: 978-159051-987-5
Publisher: Other Press

Four misfits battle their demons and each other.

The characters in Djian’s novel could have stepped straight from the pages of the most melancholy Raymond Carver short story. Dan and Richard are Special Forces veterans of combat in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen, both suffering from PTSD and living in an unnamed town near a military base where their former comrades still depart for and return from war, many of them burdened by the same damage. When Marlene, whose sister, Nath, is married to Richard, arrives unannounced (and newly pregnant) in town, reuniting with Nath for the first time in 18 years, she’s the match that sets fire to the emotional tinderbox in which these characters live. Nath and Richard’s 18-year-old daughter, Mona, has briefly taken shelter with her godfather, Dan, after fleeing her parents’ house for reasons never fully explained. Marlene and Dan drift into a relationship while Nath and Richard’s uneasy marriage risks being undermined by both partners’ infidelity. The novel begins in shades of gray and slides toward black as incidents of petty crime, physical violence, and sexual betrayal mount. Djian situates the relationships of all five of these unsympathetic characters in a cul-de-sac from which it’s obvious early in the novel they lack the ability, or even the will, to escape. That this bleak story culminates in death is utterly predictable, but what’s lacking is any truly tragic sense beyond an obvious regret at the senseless loss of human life. That shortcoming results from Djian’s choice to spend more time creating a moody portrait of working-class despair than he does plumbing his characters’ inner lives in any meaningful way.

A grim tale of infidelity and family dysfunction.