The second installment in the lightweight, Zelazny-ish fantasy trilogy begun with Split Infinity (1980). Multitalented, resourceful, diminutive hero Stile has the best of both worlds: on polluted science-world Proton, where everyone lives in airtight domes, he's the serf of a fabulously rich citizen and also a candidate in the Games, a computerized talent contest with citizenship as the prize; on the alternate magic-world Phaze, connected to Proton via the "curtain," he's the Blue Adept, master of enchantments, a title that comes complete with castle, grounds, servants, and the works. On Proton he's aided and abetted by sexy female robot Sheen; on Phaze he's attended by the regal Lady Blue (whose love he eventually wins) and a host of admiring unicorns, werewolves, vampires, and elves. Stile's problem is that someone is trying to kill him in both worlds (the same person that assassinated his doppelganger, the previous Blue Adept)—and when he finally catches up with suspect number one, the gorgeous manhating female Red Adept, it becomes clear that she is not wholly responsible: an unseen puppet-master is directing events to as yet unperceived ends. Tirelessly inventive, action-packed entertainment—with a mild comic strain and no claim to seriousness.