Anthony's popular fantasy series set in the world of Xanth moves into hardcover; this, entry #16, kicks off a new cycle of yarns based on interactive computer games (cf. Killobyte, p. 1338). Fans will recall that: ``Much of Xanth is illusion...the rest is puns and dragons.'' Nerdy young Dug (no, that's not a misprint) gets a copy of a new role-playing computer game and within minutes is hooked: indeed, so convincing does he find it that he soon falls through the monitor screen and into Xanth itself. The game's prize is a special magic talent for use in later scenarios—a talent that may be won by solving weird problems and overcoming oddball obstacles. Each player chooses a stalwart Companion, knowledgeable in the ways of Xanth (though there's also a chance that the Companion will be False and, therefore, treacherous). Dug selects luscious princess Nada Naga, who can assume serpent form at will; more realistic romantic input is provided by Dug's opponent, the plain but charming Kim. Oh, yes, and the whole package is actually a higher- level contest between the two demons who control, respectively, Mundania (Earth) and Xanth. Pleasant, harmless, undemanding fare unerringly aimed at the teenage market. Series fans will find themselves right at home.