Third part of Salvatore’s trilogy following The Demon Awakens (1997) and The Demon Spirit (1998). It’s round three of the struggle against the insidious demon dactyl, also known as Bestesbulzibar (you didn’t really think he’d been killed in part two, now, did you?). As before, the resistance is led by the elf-trained ranger, Elbryan Wyndon, the vengeful mage Pony with her gemstone-magic, the wise old elf Juraviel, and other familiar characters. Finally this time the good guys realize that their enemies are clad in holy guise. Father Abbot Markwart, supported by Bishop De’Unnero and the gemstone-magic-powered Abellican monks, is convinced that he talks to God. No prizes for guessing who his real correspondent is, or what will happen to him. A solid conclusion to this popular trilogy, even though, disappointingly, Salvatore chooses a trite and rather obvious method of setting up yet more sequels. (Author tour)