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Deeply disturbing but also moving; will haunt readers long after the last page.

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Talwar’s novel set in modern-day Afghanistan takes a volatile topic—a jihadist preparing to attack a guesthouse in Kabul—and explores the characters involved with empathy and insight.

The storyline, which takes place in the hours leading up to the attack, is narrated in large part from three points of view: Mohsin, the Afghan jihadist; Amala, an aid worker originally from Bangladesh staying at the guesthouse; and James, the British security consultant who loves her. As Mohsin contemplates what he is about to do, he retraces the steps in his life that got him to this bleak point. He’d been a promising architecture and urban planning student at Islamabad University, then a charity worker helping rural communities in Afghanistan. His life turned when he witnessed his entire family killed (while attending an outdoor wedding) by an American air attack, the orders for which were based on misinformation. Talwar’s compelling narrative examines people on both sides of this story—the terrorists and the victims—with an unbiased eye. Mohsin, in particular, is a dynamic character—an intelligent, compassionate, heroic man who somehow finds himself minutes away from participating in an act of terrorism that will undoubtedly kill innocent people. The novel—which is thematically reminiscent of Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner—isn’t so much about war, but about the consequences of war as well as life in modern-day Afghanistan, the cultural oppression of women, political instability, religious bigotry and the blatant disregard of basic human rights. A line from the book is fitting: “When elephants fight, it’s the grass that gets trampled.”

Deeply disturbing but also moving; will haunt readers long after the last page.

Pub Date: Aug. 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1477603819

Page Count: 288

Publisher: CreateSpace

Review Posted Online: Sept. 6, 2012

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This tender, strange treatise on getting out from the “prefab structures” of a conventional life is quintessentially July.

A woman set to embark on a cross-country road trip instead drives to a nearby motel and becomes obsessed with a local man.

According to Harris, the husband of the narrator of July’s novel, everyone in life is either a Parker or a Driver. “Drivers,” Harris says, “are able to maintain awareness and engagement even when life is boring.” The narrator knows she’s a Parker, someone who needs “a discrete task that seems impossible, something…for which they might receive applause.” For the narrator, a “semi-famous” bisexual woman in her mid-40s living in Los Angeles, this task is her art; it’s only by haphazard chance that she’s fallen into a traditional straight marriage and motherhood. When the narrator needs to be in New York for work, she decides on a solo road trip as a way of forcing herself to be more of a metaphorical Driver. She makes it all of 30 minutes when, for reasons she doesn’t quite understand, she pulls over in Monrovia. After encountering a man who wipes her windows at a gas station and then chats with her at the local diner, she checks in to a motel, where she begins an all-consuming intimacy with him. For the first time in her life, she feels truly present. But she can only pretend to travel so long before she must go home and figure out how to live the rest of a life that she—that any woman in midlife—has no map for. July’s novel is a characteristically witty, startlingly intimate take on Dante’s “In the middle of life’s journey, I found myself in a dark wood”—if the dark wood were the WebMD site for menopause and a cheap room at the Excelsior Motel.

This tender, strange treatise on getting out from the “prefab structures” of a conventional life is quintessentially July.

Pub Date: May 14, 2024

ISBN: 9780593190265

Page Count: 336

Publisher: Riverhead

Review Posted Online: Feb. 3, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 2024

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A welcome literary resurrection that deserves a place alongside Wright’s best-known work.

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A falsely accused Black man goes into hiding in this masterful novella by Wright (1908-1960), finally published in full.

Written in 1941 and '42, between Wright’s classics Native Son and Black Boy, this short novel concerns Fred Daniels, a modest laborer who’s arrested by police officers and bullied into signing a false confession that he killed the residents of a house near where he was working. In a brief unsupervised moment, he escapes through a manhole and goes into hiding in a sewer. A series of allegorical, surrealistic set pieces ensues as Fred explores the nether reaches of a church, a real estate firm, and a jewelry store. Each stop is an opportunity for Wright to explore themes of hope, greed, and exploitation; the real estate firm, Wright notes, “collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in rent from poor colored folks.” But Fred’s deepening existential crisis and growing distance from society keep the scenes from feeling like potted commentaries. As he wallpapers his underground warren with cash, mocking and invalidating the currency, he registers a surrealistic but engrossing protest against divisive social norms. The novel, rejected by Wright’s publisher, has only appeared as a substantially truncated short story until now, without the opening setup and with a different ending. Wright's take on racial injustice seems to have unsettled his publisher: A note reveals that an editor found reading about Fred’s treatment by the police “unbearable.” That may explain why Wright, in an essay included here, says its focus on race is “rather muted,” emphasizing broader existential themes. Regardless, as an afterword by Wright’s grandson Malcolm attests, the story now serves as an allegory both of Wright (he moved to France, an “exile beyond the reach of Jim Crow and American bigotry”) and American life. Today, it resonates deeply as a story about race and the struggle to envision a different, better world.

A welcome literary resurrection that deserves a place alongside Wright’s best-known work.

Pub Date: April 20, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-59853-676-8

Page Count: 240

Publisher: Library of America

Review Posted Online: March 16, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 2021

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