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ADHD IS CURABLE by Ralph Meyers


by Ralph Meyers

Pub Date: Jan. 19th, 2022
ISBN: 9798404994049
Publisher: Independently Published

Meyers, a physician, offers a brief treatise on the nature and treatment of ADHD.

The author begins his look at attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder by attempting to dispel several persistent myths that surround subject: “The symptom of poor concentration is usually explained as attention deficit disorder, or ADHD. However, a lot of misinformation and misunderstandings ensure that those affected do not always receive an accurate diagnosis and also an optimal therapy.” He flatly contradicts what he sees as canards, including, “if you can’t concentrate, you have ADHD,” “ADHD grows out all by itself,” and, most pertinently, “ADHD is not curable.” Meyers intends for his book to provide clarity and support for readers in more accurately assessing what is and isn’t ADHD as well as advice on how to treat the genuine disorder. “After thirty years of psychiatric work with children, adolescents, and adults, I know: If it really is ADHD and the highest standards of diagnosis and therapy are applied, this disease is curable,” he decisively declares. “Lifelong medication or therapeutic treatment is then no longer necessary.” The author lays out the different subtypes of ADHD, noting that many distractible children are mistakenly diagnosed with the condition, while many adults have no idea that they’re dealing with it in their daily lives. The specific details of these subtypes are illustrated by case studies of the author’s own patients that give personal context to what might otherwise be only lists of symptoms.

Meyers expertly interweaves the human dimensions of the disorder with a vast amount of scientific and clinical information—a surprisingly generous amount given the brevity of the book. Each section contains extensive links and citations for further reading. These attempts to increase the usefulness of the book are, to a certain extent, counteracted by a diagnostic in-the-weeds specificity that may leave even readers familiar with ADHD at a loss (and will certainly make this book opaque to general readers). Much of the discussion in the book’s early pages revolves around “OPATUS-CPT,” which the author refers to as “a proven tool for objective ADHD diagnosis” but neither defines nor explains in detail (it’s a diagnostic app). The text is clear and concise on the possible contributing factors to developing ADHD and the differences between some of its manifestations, and doubtless many readers will find these elements useful. But Meyers is frequently overly concise, almost terse, when discussing elements of his subject that call for more expansive discussions: “We speak of pathologically persistent early childhood reflexes if their activity is still above 25 percent even after four and a half years of life. This is caused by deficits in brain development as a result of life-threatening events shortly before, during or shortly after birth.” This is a fascinating subject, but two pages and two case studies later, the author moves on to something else. Part of this headlong pace is a byproduct of the book’s short length (an impression enhanced by how much of each chapter is bullet-pointed), but it cumulatively produces a hurried impression and will leave many readers wishing for a more comprehensive future edition.

A knowledgeable if curiously brief account of ADHD and its mitigation.