Originally published in France, this odd, humorous tale about a rabbit’s bad mood will leave readers scratching their heads but giggling nevertheless. Big Rabbit, an adult, has a “bad mood,” personified as a big, gray, hairy creature following him around. Big Rabbit tries to remove it by turning on the radio, watching television, even calling his mom. But the bad mood stays and makes its presence known by doing funny, at times inappropriate things like appearing naked on television and picking his nose. As a last resort, Big Rabbit decides to draw arrows on the floor in hopes of leading the bad mood to the door, when his friends burst in for his surprise birthday party and the bad mood finally disappears. Durand’s simple, quirky images are at their best depicting the bad mood’s antics, which they do with gusto. It would be nice if all bad moods could be cured this way, but it’s too bad Big Rabbit couldn’t have ultimately gotten rid of it himself. Great concept, but in practice somewhat strange, and the adult sensibility could be alienating. (Picture book. 3-6)