Intensively readable life of an early American statesman whose destiny mirrored the fledgling republic he devoted his life to serving.
Woods, a professor of history and biographer of Lyndon Johnson and J. William Fulbright, draws from correspondence and diaries to offer a magnificently full-blooded portrait of John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) against the backdrop of early America. John and Abigail Adams instilled young John Quincy with the sense that he was destined to be a person of importance in the new republic. His father made sure he was steeped in an Enlightenment education; as a youth, he accompanied his father to Paris and London on his ministerial posts to drum up support for independence. After a few years in Europe, he entered Harvard as a junior. Well versed in languages and the classics, he gained notoriety as a scholar and orator. Chosen to serve in the foreign ministry from Washington’s administration through that of Monroe, Adams situated himself for higher office, ascending from senator to secretary of state to president. Revered for his erudition and experience rather than charisma, he was horrified by the rise of Jacksonian populism, spurring him to represent Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives for the rest of his life, where he became the scourge of the slave states. The author includes rousing excerpts from Adams’ famous speeches challenging the gag rule. Woods writes admiringly that despite his subject’s occasional priggishness, overweening ambition, patronizing tirades toward his children and wife, Louisa (who becomes a strong character in this book), and martyr complex, Adams was “unique—an architect of American empire, a relentless opponent of secessionist movements, a protector of American independence, a man above party, and a living link between the Revolutionary Era and the Early Republic.”
A tremendous history lesson through the life of this insuppressible voice for liberty and justice.