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by Ray Nadine ; illustrated by Ray Nadine

Pub Date: Sept. 10th, 2024
ISBN: 9781637154960
Publisher: Oni Press

Two teen gymnasts in a small city in Illinois navigate friendship, love, and loss.

It’s 1996, and Riley, a white-presenting, hard-of-hearing girl from California, is the newest member on the gymnastics team. Kota, a biracial (white and Japanese) girl with an androgynous, punky style, is curious about Riley—and even a bit smitten. While Riley struggles to live without her father, who died several years ago, as well as the friends back home who no longer keep in touch, Kota must learn to be brave in both gymnastics and life. Despite dealing with some painful emotions, the story feels gentle, with characters who all mean well and try their best. The illustrations are primarily an attractive grayscale with blue and green accents. The figures and faces are expressive but have an unpolished quality that detracts slightly from their impact. The backgrounds and settings are much stronger, however, creating atmosphere with the careful addition of warm colors. In Nadine’s 1990s Middle America, people are nonchalant about queerness. Riley is portrayed without a signing Deaf community. Riley’s and Kota’s storylines wrap up nicely in this sweet, tender story about the importance of courage and connection, which will appeal to readers who enjoy nostalgia, gymnastics, or loving queer friendships.

A warm, cozy read.

(Graphic fiction. 12-17)