The title of this book is derived from the first of a series of five lectures or essays dealing with the ethical, philosophical and spiritual problems inherent in the present world situation. The chapter from which the title is derived points up the sharp difference between those who are motivated primarily by self-interest, and those in whom "self-interest is under the discipline of a higher law". The other chapter headings reveal the issues with which the trenchant mind of Professor Niebuhr, deals: "The Individual and the Community", "The Community and Property", "Democratic Toleration and the Groups of the Community" (racial issues), and "The World Community". Reinhold Niebuhr is a bold and original thinker who has done much to influence the thought patterns of liberal Protestant leaders. Many of these understand him and follow him. Others feel that they would agree with his point of view if they could completely understand it, while others understand and disagree, and still others neither understand nor agree. But Niebuhr is one who believes that to come to grips with the issues of today and the significance of Nazism, communism, racism, collectivism, individualism and democracy, some people will have to dig deep under current shibcloths and uncover fundamental philosophical, ethical and religious principles. This book is for those willing and able to understand such a thorough search for the true way out of our difficulties.