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A Band of Misfits' Improbable Crusade To Save the World From Cybercrime

by Renee Dudley & Daniel Golden

Pub Date: Oct. 25th, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-374-60330-4
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

White and black hats collide, and, as ProPublica reporters Dudley and Golden reveal, the unseen war between them shapes and shakes the world.

“The frequency and the impact of ransomware attacks are widely understated because many victims don’t make them public or inform authorities,” write the authors. Still, they note, the monetary value is colossal, and there is a broad range of victims to choose from. In the early days, through the machinations of a Harvard-educated (“and subsequently Harvard-disavowed”) researcher in primatology, the demands were small: A virus he’d written would infect a computer, demand via an onscreen message that the user send $189 or $378 to Panama, and then restore access to the computer’s files. This early hacker died young, but computer security is less advanced than many believe, and today ransomware bandits are busily infecting not just corporations, but also hospitals, schools, and even city governments, including that of Baltimore. Enter the Ransomware Hunting Team, an ad hoc band of self-anointed saviors from all over the world, who know their foe as if alter egos: mostly young and freelance, interested in money but also the thrill of the game, but who also, in places like Russia and North Korea, “appear…to be weapons in an undeclared cyberwar.” As Dudley and Golden describe the titanic struggle, often waged with sympathy and respect for the bad-guy opponents’ computer skills and vice versa, they observe that the corporate and governmental response has been less than stellar, with the FBI today just as unprepared for cyberwar as it was when Clifford Stoll published The Cuckoo’s Egg in 1989, when black-hat computer mischief was a new thing. In some ways, this book is an update to that distinguished predecessor, though it also enters into the newer realms of the dark web, cryptocurrency, and high-level code-breaking.

An accessible, tautly written account of cyberwarfare in real time.