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HITLER'S PEOPLE by Richard J. Evans Kirkus Star


The Faces of the Third Reich

by Richard J. Evans

Pub Date: Aug. 13th, 2024
ISBN: 9780593296424
Publisher: Penguin Press

Penetrating biographies of Hitler and 21 other Germans who played important roles in Nazi-era atrocities.

Evans, author of the Third Reich Trilogy and other acclaimed books of German history, offers these eye-opening portraits of the heart of evil in an effort to understand what kind of people fell under Hitler’s spell. The subjects include the “Paladins,” top Nazis such as Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, and Joseph Goebbels; “Enforcers,” such as Rudolf Hess, Reinhard Heydrich, and Adolf Eichmann; and “Instruments,” including filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl and military officer Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb. “What had happened to their moral compass?” asks the author in this robust historical investigation. “Were they gangsters acting with criminal intent?” Were they “ordinary Germans” or “deviants” of some kind? Seeking answers, Evans thoroughly examines each of his subjects’ early years, their reasons for joining the Nazi party, what they did in the war years, and their postwar fates. Common denominators include a desire to find someone to blame for the loss of World War I and for the Great Depression, as well as the belief that a strong leader could return Germany to its rightful place in the world. Tellingly, few ever showed remorse for their deeds. Hitler’s virulent antisemitism and his charismatic speaking style combined with ruthless opportunism to bring him to power, even though the Nazis never attained a majority of the electorate in a fair election. Hitler’s delusion that Germany could fight three much larger powers—the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the U.S.—was widely shared among Germans, though its effects were exacerbated by their leader’s constant overruling of his generals and the derangement of his later years. The author avoids drawing parallels to any current political figures or movements.

A meticulously researched, sobering look at the Nazi era and the people who helped bring its evil intents to fruition.