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DEATH'S COUNTRY by R.M. Romero Kirkus Star


by R.M. Romero

Pub Date: May 7th, 2024
ISBN: 9781682636916
Publisher: Peachtree Teen

“We were a fractured pair / when we were meant to be / a trio”: Two teens descend into the underworld to rescue their lost love.

Andres Santos, from São Paulo, Brazil, once “wore two faces…the jaguar and the prince.” Furious and cruel, he took whatever he wanted—until the Tietê River nearly took his life. Face to face with Death, terrified that he had wasted his life, Andres made a desperate bargain: something he hates (his anger) in exchange for something he loves (a debt that Death will one day come to collect). Armed with a new guitar, Andres starts fresh in Miami, where he’s swept away from the tempestuous relationship of his Cuban mami and Brazilian papi by Liora Rose (who’s cued white and Jewish) and “ruby-haired” Renee Delgado (who’s Cuban American). Neither Liora nor Renee knows of the shadow that Andres left in the underworld, but they have secrets of their own. Their fairy-tale bliss comes to an abrupt end with a car crash. Andres and Renee have one chance to save Liora, but to do so, they must brave the abyss. Joined by a boy named Virgil, the characters in this reimagining of the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice confront their regrets, insecurities, feelings for one another, and dreams for the future. Spun with allusions to mythology and literature, Romero’s novel in verse ensnares hearts and imaginations through vivid and memorable poetic craft that captures the ache and complexity of love.

An alluring and lyrical journey.

(Verse fiction. 14-18)