Little Brother shows his sibling that courage can come in different forms.
Scared of monsters that are seemingly everywhere, Little Brother hides away, reading up on monsters. But according to his sibling, the narrator of this story, “monsters are just a bunch of phony-baloney fantasy make-believe!” Armed with an arrogant but well-meaning confidence, Little Brother’s sibling drags him on an adventure to teach him how to be "brave enough, brash enough.” As they search an abandoned-looking property for monsters, Little Brother’s attempts to be seen and heard by his sibling are routinely dismissed. Ready to declare the grounds monster-free, the two fall down a giant hole and land in front of a large pink monster. Suddenly, it’s Little Brother’s quick thinking and reading skills that save the day in an entertaining moment involving a monster hoe-down. Snappy text punctuated with snippets of alliteration reinforces the sibling’s bold, breezy attitude, one that steamrolls over Little Brother. The illustrations are expressive and dynamic, each scene buzzing with comedic energy. The bright color palette utilizes cheery oranges, greens, and purples to hint at the story’s more-sweet-than-scary ending. Little Brother and his sibling have light-brown skin and black hair.
A charming tribute to sibling dynamics that will amuse anyone who’s been underestimated—but proven a hero in the end.
(Picture book. 3-8)