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FARNHAM'S FREEHOLD by Robert A. Heinlein


by Robert A. Heinlein

Pub Date: June 15th, 1964
ISBN: 143913443X
Publisher: Putnam

Heinlein attempts to mix science-fiction with social comment, satire and a reversal of our color problem by sending an American family 2,000 years into the future. At that time the black race rules, having survived in Africa the world's atomic depopulation. Farnham's family is jolted into the future by an enormous Russian bomb. At first they set up housekeeping like the Swiss Family Robinson, but later they are captured as slaves and Farnham is given the task of translating the Encyclopedia Britannica into " Language". By teaching his new master (who has a taste for cannibalism) to play contract bridge, Farnham saves himself again, Farnham is a Rugged Individualist, his wife an Alcoholic and his son a pampered Mama's Boy. They, and the other characters, have souls of f wood pulp. The satire on fall-out shelters, race and sex lacks inspiration.