Invented by Robert E. Howard (190636), Conan—the muscle- popping barbarian swordsman, accompanied by demons, magic, distressed damsels, and what-all—proved too popular to be allowed to die with his creator, and numerous authors have penned Conan yarns down the years—none with more consistency or better technique than Jordan, whose other claim to fame is his monumental Wheel of Time series (most recently, The Fires of Heaven, 1994). Appearing here for the first time in hardcover are three complete novels, Conan the Invincible (1982), Conan the Defender (1982), and Conan the Unconquered (1983), indistinguishable titles being par for the course. The enduring popularity of Conan is undeniable, if somewhat puzzling; and this omnibus edition is very reasonably priced.