This is the first (1926) novel published by the neglected Argentinian postmodernist writer (1900–42) whose phantasmagoric The Seven Madmen (English translation, 1999) rivals the masterpieces of Cortázar, García Márquez, and Onetti. It’s the story of Silvio Astier (told by himself in old age), a street thug inspired by “the thrilling literature of outlaws and bandits,” and educated in crime by his Fagin-like mentor Rengo (a charmer of a villain if there ever was one). Mad Toy bears interesting resemblances as well to both Don Quixote and Luis Buñuel’s classic naturalist film Los Olvidados. In addition to the novel’s own considerable interest, Aynesworth’s illuminating remarks about Arlt’s vigorous “polyglot style” shed further light on a richly entertaining and unquestionably important work.