A cheerful pink pig is out to make new friends but causes confusion in the frog pond.
One morning, the frogs discover a smiling and very big-faced pig perched high on a rock practicing his ribbits. The frogs are not exactly unwelcoming, but they do not know how to handle this conundrum. Pigs don’t ribbit; frogs ribbit. Finally, after confusion and raised voices, they and their neighbors go off to consult the wise beetle. The beetle returns to the pond only to find an empty rock. What has happened to the ribbiting pig? He is located high in the branches of a tree, happily tweeting, where he is joined by all the animals in a rousing chorus. Full-page watercolor paintings on textured paper create a charming little world inhabited by very personable creatures. The pig’s outsized face only makes his smile more endearing. The font size grows larger as the ribbits grow louder. Young listeners will enjoy this tale by an Argentinian duo and noisily join in the fun.
A warm and gentle story about finding new friends and reaching out to others who may croak and warble to the beat of a slightly different drummer but who sing in the same friendly key.
(Picture book. 2-6)