Harry, star of the first Kindergators book, Hands Off, Harry (2011), relates the school day’s dramas to his parents.
And was it ever a doozy of a day. Miracle, who brings an unhealthy snack to school and doesn’t want to share, spends a good portion of the day sneaking bites. But when the radiator melts the Fudgettes, Miracle melts as well, and not for the last time—her lunch isn’t right, she spills her grape juice, she’s not the counting-card leader, Miguel steps on her foot. Throughout, her classmates sweetly though unrealistically go out of their way to try to cheer her up and generally let her get away with her whining ways. Her teacher even awards her the Star of Bravery for the one time she counts to 10 and doesn't melt down. No mention is made of her selfishness or breaking of the rules. No doubt, these students and their teacher are models of classroom harmony, but most classes will fall far short of their example. (Wells’ backmatter does provide a few tips for teachers on "Creating Harmony.") The gators are as visually distinctive as in their first outing, collaged clothing covering lumpy green skin, and Harry has not changed his active ways, doing flips in the classroom.
While more didactic, William Mulcahy and Darren McKee’s Zach Gets Frustrated (2012) teaches children to deal with their frustrations rather than depend on others to solve difficulties for them.
(Picture book. 3-6)