An Oxford graduate investigates a professor’s death.
Jennifer Redhead’s years at Oxford left the working-class girl from the north of England with a profound distaste for anyone posh, pompous, or pretentious. So at first the private detective isn’t inclined to accept a commission from Julia Pemberton, who teaches physics at Cambridge, to find her mother’s killer. But after holding her own in a verbal sparring match with the eminent physicist, and after earning the blessing of DCI Ken Macintosh of the Thames Valley police, Jennie decides to look into the cold case. She learns that Julia’s parents are also academics: Dr. Derek Stockton a rather prosaic professor of religion, and Dr. Grace Stockton a somewhat less conventional anthropologist, whose early years growing up in Papua New Guinea marked her more deeply than even her husband realized. Still, it was not her earliest years but a relationship with a down-and-outer named Jane that developed when both were young mothers during the World War II bombings of London that lays the foundation for Grace’s tragic end. Readers who can get past Jennie’s inveterate reverse snobbery will be treated to a complex tale of good people who make bad decisions for reasons even they don’t completely understand.
Spencer telegraphs some of her plot twists too early but sneaks others under the radar for a series of delightful jolts.