Under the auspices of the Kiss-it-Better Hospital, the intrepid Dr. Meow turns catastrophe into a happy ending. Lloyd’s sprightly tale peeks into the life of Dr. Meow as she attends to the various maladies of the residents of Whoops-a-Daisy World. Emergency looms when Tom Cat breaks his leg chasing after Mr. Bird, but Dr. Meow adeptly mends both appendage and rift between cat and bird, eliciting a vow from Tom Cat not to chase Mr. Bird any more. The intensely bright illustrations practically pop off the page with their Curious George colors and compositions. The crisply defined sketches seize readers, pulling them into the friendly, fun environs of Whoops-a-Daisy World. The effective combination of a lively tale and equally vivacious illustrations deftly defuse what might otherwise be an anxiety-filled scenario for young readers; the arduous experience of visiting a hospital is made infinitely better under the caring paws of Dr. Meow. Inaugurates the Whoops-a-Daisy World series. (Picture book. 4-8)