While clearly intended as pop candy for the grown-up soul, Boynton’s latest has a genuine appeal for children of several ages. She has a definite way with words and illustrates them with her waggish, anthropomorphized animals, rich in linear expression and familiar to anyone who has been in a greeting-card store in the past couple of decades. “There’s simple love”—two bears waltzing—“and love mysterious”—a veiled elephant presents a heart to another; “Frivolous love”—a cow sporting heart-shaped earrings and eyeglasses “and love too serious”—an anxious turkey interrupts his ladylove’s reading. “Comfortable love” finds two pigs side-by-side, while “love problematic” has two porcupines gazing soulfully at each other. There are lots of titles that talk to children about divorce and loss and blended families; but there aren’t all that many that talk about love—handholding, Valentine-sending love—in such a direct way. “A love that appreciates fire, and grace. / A love that adores / one remarkable face. / A love that is steady, devoted, and true— / Consider my love for incredible you.” (Picture book. 7 )