Sassy, witty and smart prep-schooler Molly McGarry returns in this second Midvale Prep novel, and she is still lodged firmly in Gideon Rayburn’s arms and mind, which means she’s privileged to overhear each of his most intimate, silly and mundane thoughts, all with no filtering. Leveraging this unexplained ability, Molly becomes Gideon’s ideal girlfriend, accommodating his every wish. This intimacy comes with a price, however, especially when Midvale’s hottie, Pilar Benitez-Jones, pops into Gideon’s thoughts at a very inopportune time. Dealing with Gideon’s mental indiscretion is tough enough, but when Molly is bounced from Gideon’s thoughts into Pilar’s, things gets worse, as Gideon begins a quest to seduce Pilar. Although Midvale stands in as a stereotypical New England prep-school backdrop with several predictably spoiled characters, these elements take a backseat to Molly’s no-holds-barred narration of each character’s voice. Mature sexual themes, frank language and drug references make this text appropriate for older teen readers. (Fiction. YA)